Sadly, our motorhomes are a common target for thieves, and thefts occur more frequently than we would like. For this reason, everyone wants to follow the best precautions when it comes to parking and overnight stays. Therefore, on today’s post, we bring you our top tips for a safely overnight stays with your motorhome.

1. Choose wisely your overnight stay location.

When deciding where you are going to spend the night there is a multitude of options. Some of the best and most common examples are private or public motorhome areas, parkings, campsites, or the authorized areas that we can find at gas stations. Additionally, we can always make use of local parks and streets. However, we must be careful because every municipality has its own regulations for overnight stays. So, try to always be sure of the local ordinance, and in case of any doubts don’t hesitate to contact the local police or the “Guardia Civil”, by doing this you should be able to avoid any fines.

Besides these precautions the best advice is to use common sense and when possible avoid spending the night by yourself or leaving valuable objects on sight. It is always better to feel secure and go to a private area than spending the night in a sketchy place, just for the sake of not paying a few euros.

2. Alarm system.

Of course, one of the first things that comes to mind when traveling is having a good alarm, and luckily for us, there is a multitude of devices that will suit every pocket. Therefore, we recommend the following tips:

  • Our 25 years of experience in the motorhome sector, has told us that in the majority of cases of thefts, the alarm system of the motorhome was disconnected. So please try to avoid this at any cost.
  • The cabin doors are the most accessible, so try to put the most effort into protecting them.
  • We recommend having an acoustic alarm plus a magnetic door and window opening sensors.
  • Additionally, if you don’t have any pets a volumetric sensor that will detect any movements inside the vehicle is a great option.

3. Protect your motorhome  doors.

When it comes to getting access to your motorhome, its doors are the easiest and most common option. This is due to the fact the usually its locks aren’t resistant enough. As a consequence, we always recommend installing security locks, like for example the HeoSystem. Another very good option is to install an exterior security lock like Safe Door, by doing so you are making it extremely difficult to open a door or window.

We know that even though we can take all the precautions in this world, the possibility of suffering a theft is going to be there. However, we can always minimize it by having common sense, avoiding any sketchy situations and locations, and of course, have good insurance coverage. If you need some advice on the latter don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. As a reminder don’ forget our tips for a safely overnight stays with your motorhome

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