2021 is here! And what a better way of warming up than reviewing the best campsite in Andalucía to enjoy one of the warmest parts of Spain. So, go grab your cup of coffee, and a piece of paper. Because we are sure that in today’s list you are going to find the perfect campsite for your next adventure in Andalucía.

Laguna Playa (Málaga)

Annual average temperature of 19 degrees and more than 300 days of sunny weather, Málaga offers great weather all year round, making it one of the best destinations in the whole Andalucía. That is why, we have chosen this campsite as the perfect option for those of you who are running away from the rainy and gloomy days of the north.

Laguna Playa is located merely 50, and 400 meters away from the sea, and Torre de Mar city center respectively. The campsite has 143 plots equipped with electricity and plenty of shadows, making it the perfect retreat for a quiet getaway.


Doñarrayan Park (Huelva)

The next campsite on our list was specially made for all the nature lovers. Located in the spectacular National Park of Doñana. It offers the possibility of enjoying the fauna and flora of one of the best-preserved landscapes in Spain. However, due to the Covid-19 situation, they are currently closed. But the good news is that they are planning on a return to their activity on the 26 of March 2021.


Dehesa Nueva (Sevilla)

Dehesa Nueva Campsite is the perfect alternative for a family getaway. Its location in the pine groves of Aznalcázar offers the possibility of setting up here your camp base and travel to some amazing locations like: El Rocío, Dehesa de Abajo, Sevilla, or Matalascañas y Mazagón among others.


Castillo de Baños (Granada)

Located in Granada’s Tropical Coast, and at the doorstep of La Alpujarra Baja, Castillo de Baños campsite is the perfect alternative for all of you who want to have a rural getaway without renouncing to great weather.


Tau (Almería)

We always try to find campsites that have great locations, but Tau’s camping is on another level. Located in the village of San José and at only 250 meters away from its beach. Its proximity to the Natural Park of Cabo de Gata makes it the perfect spot for enjoying more than 40km of beaches, cliffs, and volcanic landscapes. However, you should be wary that the campsite will be closed until the 1st of April due to the Covid-19 situation.


Valdevaqueros (Cádiz)

The famous beach of Valdevaquero gives name to this campsite, and it offers the possibility of practising several water sports. However, this camping has much more to offer. Since Tarifa is in the middle of two natural parks, making it the perfect spot to enjoy the sea and mountains of Spain.


Puente Nuevo (Córdoba)

We finish today’s list with the campsite of Puente Nuevo, which is located in Sierra Morena, and more specifically in the middle of the Natural Park of Hornachuelos. So, as you can imagine this strategic location is perfect for all of you who want to go on hikes or just enjoy nature in general.


In conclusion, we hope you have enjoyed our post, and that we have motivated you to discover and explore Andalucía while enjoying its warn and sunny weather. Lastly, and as always in Vicente Velasco Insurance Brokerage we want to know your comments and recommendations, so let us know!

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