We have decided to spice thing up and propose you a route throughout the Pyrenees. Because in times like this one, there is nothing better than enjoying the fresh air of the mountain with your family. So, whether you are able to go for it right now, or not grab a piece of paper to take notes. Are you ready to explore probably the most beautiful mountains in Spain?

Benasque Valley in motorhome

If you have wanted for ages to discover the mountains of Spain, we recommend you to start in Benasque. This little piece of heaven on earth is located in Huesca, holds some of the most impressive landscapes in Spain. So, if you finally decide to explore this side of Spain we have several recommendations for you.

The first one is the hiking route of Aiguallut, an easy one perfect if you don’t have tons of experience, or have little time in general. Why do we recommend this route? For starters, it only takes 2 hours, but in just this little time, the visitor can discover some of the best gems of the area. The hike starts in the mountain hut of Besurta and ends in a fantastic waterfall. Additionally, it allows you to contemplate the Aneto, which with its glorious 3,404 meters of altitude is the highest peak in the Pyrenees.

Cascada de Aiguallut, Benasque, Huesca
Créditos: https://www.excursionesporhuesca.es/

For our second option, you will need a little more hiking experience and time. Since the “Camino de Capdella al Port de Rus” has 1,100 meters of ascension, is 8.6 kilometers long, and the approximate duration is 3.3 hours. For starting the route you need to go to the Capdella village, once you reach the upper part of town you will see a fountain and an itinerary sign. As you leave behind the village, there are two paths, you should take the one that goes to the right, and it’s called “Port de Rus”. For more information, you can check the following link here.

sant-joan-de-les-abadesses turismo pirineos gerona
Sant Joan de les Abadesses en Gerona

If you are looking for other alternatives, you can always take the cableway of Vall Fosca, which will take you to the Estany Gento in the heart of the National Park of Aigüestortes. From here you can take the vía Verde del Carrilet or the famous route of the natural park refuges. We know so many option and so little time, that is why in this link your will find several alternatives. So, that you can customize your journey.

Finally, if you prefer to check out the local villages, we recommend you the town of Sant Joan de les Abadesses. In here you will find a beautiful village full of legends and extraordinarily well preserved.


As you can see the area is full of activities and places to visit. But where should you stay while you discover this side of the Pyrenees with your motorhome? As you can imagine the area is well equipped for motorhomes so there are several alternatives.

The first one is the Camping area of Senarta, which is located at the entrance of the Natural Park of Pocets-Maladeta, only 7km away from Benasque, and has a fee of 10€ per night.

Other close-by alternatives are: Camping of Ixeia, and Camping Aneto

If you prefer to stay a little bit closer to Capdella, Camping Vall Fosca is a great option.

With this post, we hope we have been able to give you some ideas for your next adventure. Because in times like this one, we cannot think of a better way of enjoying some free time while keeping the security distance, than discovering the Pyrenees with our motorhomes. As always in Vicente Velasco Insurance Brokerage, we love to hear back from you, so if you have any comments, or want to ask for some specific adventures, let us know in the comments!

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